CrewConnect Global is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC



Running events, responsibily

We're committed to adopting practises and frameworks that minimise the negative impact we have on our environment and communities.

Environmental impact

Reducing physical and carbon waste

 Here's how we're doing it:

  • All lighting is LED
  • Your event badge will be recycled after the event, and your lanyard has been sourced locally from Manila
  • There is no printed event guide this year
  • Our venue has a ban on single use plastics
  • We carefully monitor use of energy throughout the event
  • Careful mitigation of food waste
  • Water refill points throughout the event

Economic impact


We carefully consider the economic, environmental and social aspect of all of our purchased products and services we use.

This therefore helps us achieve a truly sustainable, environmentally-responsible event.

To achieve this, we have clear sustainability requirements incorporated into all of our tenders and contracts.